Class Take Away – 2/20/12

Another trip down the rabbit hole, this one wasn’t too deep or confusing.

We talked a lot about our Tiger projects. Some took it literally, others went way out into left field. No right or wrong projects, you were allowed to do whatever. I’m starting to see it’s no longer about following the guide lines as it is about being creative and find out how you perceive the world. Also be open to how others perceive the world.

A lot of the other video guys put me to shame, and they should. I’m sure they’ve been in it longer. I really need to cough up money for a decent camera if I’m going to go down the video track. I also need a personal assistant to use for casting/recording/editing input. Some things to think about.

So now I’m off to do whatever makes me the happiest for one hour, and then find a souvenir to bring back to class. Why aren’t there any souvenirs in Skyrim?


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